You provide us with the idea you have in mind.
We make a sketch after paying a reservation and we give you a price.
We started tattooing.
Your data is confidential and we are committed to complying with the current LOPD law.
Direction: Carrer de Manso, 13, 08015 Barcelona
Before getting a tattoo in Barcelona, it is important that you take into account few details and tips that we have organised for you so that you can choose a good tattoo, to place it in the most suitable area and, above all, that you can be sure that you are in the best hands for quality and, above all, safe tattoo.
Before getting a tattoo, it is important that you take into account those tips that will help you make a firm decision.
The first and most important thing is to think carefully about whether you really want to get a tattoo.
There are different reasons why most people decide to get a tattoo and the most important ones are:
However, regardless of whether we have one or more of these reasons for getting a tattoo, we need to bear in mind that a tattoo is for your entire life, and although there are systems for removing tattoos, it is a process that not only has an economic cost, it also requires effort from our side.
For those reasons, it is very important to think carefully about whether we really want to get the tattoo and whether we want to keep it for many years.
We have to bear in mind also that we should study the reasons for you to get tattooed and its representation. It is possible that there are things that are important to us now, but that in a few years’ time we might regret of them and may even be ashamed, so we must be very careful.
During the tattooing process, our skin is pierced with a needle and ink is introduced underneath it.
A good professional will always use safe, high-quality tools and products, but it must be taken into account that, in the case of suffering from certain diseases, this may be a health risk:
When is the best time to get a tattoo:
It is always a good time to get a tattoo, but it is true that colder months are more comfortable and even advisable for it.
Once you have decided to get a tattoo, it is time to look for a good tattoo professional in Barcelona.
Professionalism always comes before price
You should always prioritise professionalism before the price of the tattoo.
It is very common to shop around and compare prices, but when you decide getting a tattoo, you should bear in mind that there are studios that they offer very low prices. However, they use very low-quality pigments which means that the tattoo quality will be worst and will fade much more quickly.
Likewise, these centres carry out disinfection processes of dubious quality, which puts the client´s safety in a risk.
Remember that a professional tattooist will not only produce a much more beautiful, longer lasting and higher quality tattoo, but will also work safely, avoiding risks to your health.
The best thing to do is not to skimp and of course it is always recommended to look for a professional who has a good reputation within the sector.
Ask for information and advice about tattooing:
Remember that the tattoo artist has more experience than you in tattoos so don’t hesitate to ask any questions you may have.
Take their advice and always listen to the different possibilities they present to you, as this will help you find the ideal tattoo.
Have a look at his tattoo portfolio to check his style.
Before making an appointment, it is interesting to take a look at his previous work, so that you can see beforehand how he works while, on the other hand, you might also find some ideas that you could find very interesting.
The time has come to choose what kind of tattoo you want to get on your body, so you should analyse the design and the place to be tattooed.
The design is something very personal, there are many alternatives when you want to get tattooed in Barcelona and all of them have the aim of achieve the reasons why you want to get a tattoo.
In order to find the perfect tattoo, it is important that in one hand, you look for ideas through the Internet, magazines, friends, etc., and on the other hand, we recommend you to listen to your tattoo artist, who can guide you quite well in this regard.
It is also very important that you choose a part of your body where you want to get the tattoo.
You should consider whether you want the tattoo to be visible at all times, or if you prefer it to have it hidden and only reserved for special situations.
Another point to consider is the fact that, depending on the body area where you get the tattoo, the process could be more painful. In addition, there are parts of the body where the tattoo degrades more quickly than others.
In order that you can make the right decision, in this article we will explain all of this in detail.
Now we are going to explain everything you need to know before, during and after getting a tattoo.
Now that a date has been set for the tattoo, it is important that the days before the tattoo, you prepare your body so that the skin canvas is in perfect condition and the tattooist can create the best tattoo possible for you.
To do this, you should bear in mind the following tips:
Once the tattoo day has arrived, there are also some details to take into account:
The tattoo artist will give you all the instructions you need to take care of your tattoo in the following days. This care is essential, as it will ensure that the result is much better and, of course, avoid infections.
Among the care that you will have to consider, we highlight:
If you have any doubts, remember that your tattoo artist will be able to advise you to guarantee maximum safety and the best tattoo results.
Answers to the most frequently asked questions about getting a tattoo in Barcelona
We are going to answer some of the most frequent doubts that most people who want to get a tattoo in Barcelona have.
Due to their danger, some of the most complicated parts to tattoo are the genitals, the soles of the feet, the inside of the mouth and the eyes.
However, in terms of difficulty during the procedure, there are areas such as between the toes that can be quite complicated, as well as those where the skin is not sufficiently taut, as it is more difficult to get a tattoo with good results.
This is one of the most common questions and one of the most difficult to answer.
Getting a tattoo in Barcelona can take anywhere from half an hour for a very small tattoo, such as a letter, to several hours or even several days for larger tattoos.
If you ask your tattooist, he or she will be able to give you a good idea of how long your particular tattoo will take.
This is something very particular, as it will depend on the tastes of each customer. In both cases we are talking about quality and totally safe inks, so in this sense you should have no doubts.
Getting a tattoo involves a little pain, but in most cases, it only hurts at the beginning, as the body gets used to it and in the end, it is only a very slight discomfort.
However, there are areas where the process is more painful, such as the face, chest, armpits, hips, back, calves, knees, feet and genital area. Less painful areas are the shoulders, neck, upper arm, forearm, shins, thighs and buttocks.
Tattoos will deteriorate more quickly in areas where there is more frequent or more intense rubbing. Areas where tattoos have a shorter lifespan include the palms of the hands, nails, feet, armpits and elbows.
In the event that you change your mind over time and you don´t longer want to wear one of your tattoos, you will be able to apply laser tattoo removal without any problems.
You will have to undergo several sessions, the number of which will depend above all on the type of tattoo, type of paint, depth and other determining factors.
There is also the possibility of tattooing over a tattoo, i.e. if you no longer like one of your tattoos, you can transform it into a new tattoo based on the creativity of the tattooist in Barcelona.